Switch On At Work

SwitchOn! At Work

Transform your organization’s mindset, creative problem solving, collaboration skills, and workplace culture with SwitchOn! At Work.


+ Learn

+ Collaborate

We don’t believe in separating personal growth from professional growth. An individual’s personal effectiveness in the workplace grows when they grow themselves. At SwitchOn! At Work, we evolve company culture by transforming individuals AND teams.

What Makes
Us Different?

As individuals, we truly love people. We strongly believe in the capacity of humans to learn, grow, and contribute. We have spent our individual lives and careers, in various capacities, in service of that.

As a team we came together because we have aligned values, ways of thinking, and ways of being. Quite simply, when we come together, everything we are and do gets 10Xed!


As individuals, we truly love people. We strongly believe in the capacity of humans to learn, grow, and contribute. We have spent our individual lives and careers, in various capacities, in service of that.

As a team we came together because we have aligned values, ways of thinking, and ways of being. Quite simply, when we come together, everything we are and do gets 10Xed!

On Building High Impact Teams…

Building teams is much more than getting the team together once or twice a year to have fun. Becoming a great HIGH IMPACT team is a journey that calls for patience, intent, leadership on all levels, and a well thought out process. The importance of team building is all about practice. When a team participates in team-building activities and simulations, they’re really preparing for important, real-world situations that demand collaboration and alignment. SwitchOn! At Work sessions help those in your organization improve communication, delegation, trust, accountability, and collaboration.

Our approach with team building
is based on the following:

Trust and authentic sharing based on vulnerability is the foundation of all great teams.

Developing a healthy culture of feedback.

Experiential learning: The best learning happens by doing.

Creating brave spaces to share, learn from each other, innovate, and communicate.

Finding purpose and meaning at work individually and together.

Our Services

Whether in-person or virtual, we design and conduct highly engaging sessions that help the people in your organization become the best possible versions of themselves, and give their absolute best at work.

Trainings, Workshops, Masterclasses, and Group Mastermind Sessions

Learn more about our facilitation sessions on innovation, storytelling, productivity, communication, developing a culture of feedback and more…

Ideation and Innovation Workshops

Frame challenges, explore ideas, and align around decisions.

Team Building and Collaboration Sessions or Retreats

Elevating the way your team thinks and works together.

Creative Confidence Simulations

We help your team overcome barriers to creativity through our tried and tested processes and activities.

Trusted by

Why Us?

Because we are really good at what we do.
Individually, AND together.

As individuals, we truly love people. We strongly believe in the capacity of humans to learn, grow, and contribute. We have spent our individual lives and careers, in various capacities, in service of that.

As a team we came together because we have aligned values, ways of thinking, and ways of being. Quite simply, when we come together, everything we are and do gets 10Xed!

Are we the right fit
for your organization?

How would I know which programs are right for my team?

Many clients have come to us, unsure of which programs / activities will best serve their needs. Don’t worry! We can help. We will work closely with you to understand your objectives as well as existing team dynamics. Based on the findings, we will then create customized recommendations for you to consider.

What sort of group sizes can you work with?

Any group size ranging from 4 – 1000 participants and more! We are able to customize our sessions according to your needs. This is for both in-person and virtual engagements.

Can you help us with venue scouting, booking, and event planning?
We can help advise you on venues that would be appropriate for in-person sessions, depending on the size of your group and budget. However, you would have no advantage booking any of these venues through us. We strongly advise that you book the hotel venues and arrange catering directly. We however do need to work with you on creating the schedule for the day/s as we plan breaks that are aligned with our learning experiences. We also pride ourselves on managing peoples’ energy and will advise you on when to schedule food, breaks, etc
What are the additional expenses I need to budget for when planning an in-person learning engagement for my organization?
In addition to our session fees, additional expenses come under different categories namely: travel & stay costs for our team (if it takes place outside Lagos, material expenses for certain activities, food and beverage for all participants and facilitators, venue rentals, cost of audio-video equipment that includes projector, screen, sound system, microphones, flipcharts.
What are your prices/session fees like?

Get in touch with us to discuss your exact needs.

Do you run workshops outside of Lagos, Nigeria?
Absolutely! We have run virtual workshops with participants all over the world. We are able to travel within Nigeria, Africa, and internationally for learning engagements, with adequate time budgeted for planning, travel logistics, protocol, and expenses. For international engagements we do have a minimum engagement rate which accounts for the time we are away from the office (including travel time).
What is the duration of the programs?
Virtual programs are typically 1.5 – 2 hours in length. Face to face programs range in length from two hour conference masterclass style engagements, to half a day team building workshops and ideation sessions, to multi-day programs, and fully planned offsite company retreats.
Can your team building programs be conducted at your office?
If you have questions about programs for a specific location, please contact us. We’ll be happy to talk with you about appropriate options. If you are looking at a virtual program, we can conduct it anywhere that you have a good internet connection!
Which virtual platforms do you run your sessions on?
We prefer Zoom. However, we are able to adapt to another platform that is easily accessible if you prefer otherwise.
How much lead time do you need for planning a program?
Ideally, we prefer 3 weeks of lead time to plan for any session, in order for us to truly meet your organization’s needs. Often, we have been contacted with a much shorter lead time. However, our ability to plan within a short time frame will depend on our existing schedule.
Are your prices negotiable?

Each of our sessions are customized to your specific needs and agenda. Get in touch with us to discuss your exact needs.

Have more questions?

Let’s Work Together!

Planning your professional development calendar or employee engagement programs? Or just want to have an exploratory chat

We are here to help you customize bespoke sessions to fit your company’s needs. Fill out the form and we’ll get in touch within 2 business days.